Oneness Pentecostals
A seven part in-depth teaching series that looks at what the Oneness Pentecostals believe and teach and how as Christian's we are to respond. Please click on the PDF links to read each article in full.
Part 1 - An Introduction to the Oneness Pentecostals
On the surface Oneness Pentecostals have many similarities to mainstream Pentecostals and that is what makes them so dangerous. They absolutely affirm the deity of Jesus Christ, they believe in the continuing gifts of the Holy Spirit, they believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible word of God, they believe in the literal Second Coming of Jesus Christ, they believe in the final judgment of the wicked and in a literal hell. On the surface one would not find a great deal of disagreement; YET there are four main fundamental beliefs that set them apart from orthodox Biblical Christianity.
This teaching examines by way of introduction these four fundamental differences and tracks the history of this cult which had its inception out of Classic Pentecostalism.
Part 2 - History of Modalism and the Council of Nicea
2013/14 saw Oneness Pentecostals celebrate their centennial anniversary. However, the heresies that this group holds to regarding the nature of God and the person of Jesus Christ can be traced back much further, to the early beginnings of Christianity in the second and third centuries A.D. Very early on in it's history, the Church of Jesus Christ has had to withstand and refute the heresies of Modalists who denied the Trinity and instead sought to teach that God is only one in relation to His person.
This teaching explores that early history and in particular addresses what took place at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Part 3 - The Doctrine of the Trinity vs. Modalism
Oneness Pentecostals outright reject the Triune nature of God and instead take a Unitarian position, namely that God is not only singular in being (Monotheism) but also singular in person. Trinitarianism however stands in direct contrast to Unitarianism and defines God as singular in being yet three in persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This teaching seeks to give a defence of the doctrine of the Trinity over and against that of Modalism.
Part 4 - The Nature of Jesus Christ (The God-Man)
In answering the Oneness Pentecostals on the issue pertaining to the relationship between Jesus’ humanity and deity, we turn once again to look at early Church history, namely the Council of Ephesus (431 AD) and the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD). We also turn to scripture to address the question...'In what sense did Jesus Christ assumed a physical body and yet at the same time exist as God?' This teaching also seeks to establish the person of the Holy Spirit as it relates to the doctrine of the Trinity.
Finally, we examine some of the famous proof texts used by Oneness Pentecostals to argue infavour of Modalism.
Part 5 - Baptismal Regeneration in Jesus Name?
According to Oneness Pentecostals, the answer to the question ‘what must I do to be saved?’ is not answered with the words of Paul and Silas, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved’ (Acts 16:31). Rather, they add water baptism in Jesus name as a necessary component for salvation.
We explore this ancient heresy known as Baptismal Regeneration and seek through scripture to refute it.
Part 6 - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Salvation
Jesus Only Pentecostals, aka Oneness Pentecostals derive this name from the position they take concerning baptism. Not only do they hold to the heresy of baptismal regeneration but they hold to an exclusive form of it, namely that baptism by immersion in the formula of “in the name of Jesus” is the only valid formula for baptism. They also hold that unless one is baptised with the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaks in tongues then one cannot be saved!
Once again, we seek to explore these teachings and compare and contrast them with the Bible.
Part 7 - Biblical Holiness vs. Legalism
Oneness Pentecostals, in emphasising what it perceives to be holiness, lays great stress on particular outward standards which it terms as ‘standards of holiness’. These standards include the adherence to legalistic codes of conduct such as women not wearing trousers, not cutting their hair, not dying their hair and not using make-up or jewellery. Men are expected to dress in conservative attire, white shirts and dark trousers, hair short and neat and face clean shaven. Alcohol, tobacco and dancing are strictly forbidden. Failure to adhere to these “standards of holiness” may result in dis-fellowship and ultimately to loss of one’s salvation!! This concluding teaching seeks to clearly define what is meant by 'worldliness' so as to contrast it against the definition given by Oneness Pentecostals.

(Photo "United Pentecostal Church" by teofilo, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license